
An open source, privacy focused client side library
for the creation and monetisation of online audiences.

$ npm i -S @AirGrid/edgekit

Made for publishers

Take back control
of your first party data

Monetise your 1st party data without reliance on third party aggregators or adtech middlemen.

Publisher data

Protect the privacy
of your audience

Your user’s data is not shared with any 3rd parties, all information is stored and processed on the individual’s device.

Publisher privacy

Earn more from
online advertising

Attach cookie-less audience signals
to each bid request to increase
the yield of your inventory.

Publisher earn

Integrates with header bidding.

Use EdgeKit alongside your header bidding technology
to decorate bid requests with a standard taxonomy
of audience signals.

Index exchange
Coming Soon
Integrate scheme Integrate scheme

Publisher 1st party data powered private marketplaces

Under the hood

Free and open source
Free and
open source
Zero dependencies
Developed using typescript
using TypeScript
Small bundle size x kbs
Small bundle size
No server needed
No server

Community driven.

We welcome marketers & publishers to collaborate on audience taxonomy and definitions that work for the whole industry, whilst keeping user data private.

Audience data has traditionally been a very opaque business in the online advertising industry, due to a lack of standards & quality control. Recent initiatives from the IAB, such as the Data Transparency Framework aim to address this by applying
“nutrition labels” to audience segments.

EdgeKit goes one step further and defines these audiences in open source code for all to see, and improve together.

“name”: “travel”
“type”: “interest”
“lookback”: 7,
“keywords”: “[“beach”, “cruises”, “water sports”]”

Get started.

$ npm i -S @AirGrid/edgekit

Or include the script directly from Unpkg:

<script src=”https://unpkg.com/@edgekit/core”>

Access the full documentation Full documentation

Supercharge your EdgeKit deployment with AirGrid.

Deal revenue

Deal revenue

AirGrid integrates demand for EdgeKit audience signals through managed PMP deals.

Analytics UI

Analytics UI

Get real time insights into your side audience and how they contribute towards data led revenue generation.

NLP features

NLP features

Automatically integrated keywords extraction from your content to power EdgeKit audiences.

Learn more

Contact us

Fill out the form and we’ll be in touch
as soon as possible or send us an email
via hello@edgekit.org

Thank you!

We’ll get back to you as soon as possible at dennis@airgrid.io